Wednesday 18 June 2014

Here & now . . .

 I'm heading south to sunny London this morning, so it's an early start to the day here . . . 

Loving . . .  the early morning light glistening on the garden

Eating . . .  berry granola with chopped banana, mandarin orange segments & strawberry yoghurt - ooh, yummy . . .

Drinking . . .  hot apple juice

Wearing . . .  skinny jeans, a cowl t-shirt, a pretty cardi & ballerinas

Feeling . . .  excited about the day ahead

Wanting . . .  the traffic to be not too manic so I don't miss the train

Thinking . . .  should I take a little umbrella, just in case ?

Dreaming . . .  about the end of hay-fever season so I'll stop this seemingly never-ending sneezing ; - )

What are you up to here & now ? 

Have a happy day . . .


  1. Oh well, I've just finished making the 'Kate' dress, Gilly and wishing that the weather wasn't quite so wintry so I can wear it! Great pattern, thanks so much, I really enjoyed putting it together!
    It sounds like you've made a good start to the day and I hope it just gets better and better for you - whatever you're doing in London, enjoy! I do like your pretty garden blooms, thank you! Love, Joy xo

  2. I wish I was in London with you! I would love to go back there one day!

  3. Hope you have a fantastic day in London! I'm not doing anything nearly as exciting I'm afraid, just catching up with household chores although I may sneak in a little crafting time hopefully.
    Marianne x

  4. Yay! A trip to London! Have a wonderful time...I'm putting away crochet kit from my workshop last night...Chrissie x

  5. Oh a London trip sounds great....have fun! Work work and work for me, but I guess it not too bad as it means I'll be playing with pretty fabric! Sarah xo

  6. Ooo have fun in London - have to say that sounds terribly exotic from where I am! Love your here and now too. xxx

  7. It's 18.38 ..... I'm sitting with my feet up, reading and commenting on my favourite blogs ...... and there may be a glass of wine beside me!!

  8. I hope that you had a good day in London and that the hayfever stayed away!! xx

  9. I hope you had a grand time in London and that you made time for some fabric shopping! :o)

  10. Loved hearing about your day so far, Gilly. I just got back from swimming at a fabulous pool several hours away from here in a valley of the high desert area of Oregon. The water was warm and pure and the surroundings were soooo beautiful, I wish you could have enjoyed it as well :) xx


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