Friday 20 June 2014

London calling . . .

I do so love hopping on the train down to London every now & again.  It's only just over an hour away - long enough to get some knitting / crochet / reading done, but not too long that you need to pack snacks for the trip.  And my lovely sis lives in London too, so that's always a good excuse for a wee bit of lunch & shopping.  But this week whilst I was in the capital, she was across the channel, enjoying some sunshine and fine French wine working in beautiful Paris, so we didn't get to meet up  :-(
But nonetheless I had a fab time, because this little excursion was all about all-things-fabrics & fibres.  "Huh?" you may ask.  So I'll explain . . .

Sometime in August the Hubby is attending IPP - an international gathering of metagrobologists  (really just a fancy name for mechanical puzzle designers & collectors)  which this year is being held in London and I'm involved in helping to organize some activities and excursions for the wives / partners / significant others, and there seems to be a whole bunch of us who love to knit, crochet,  quilt, sew, etc etc.  So, as a result, we're organizing a trip to some of the loveliest little fabric & yarn shops around the city.

Right, so I spent Wednesday traipsing (in a nicest possible way) all over London - underground, overground, on tubes, trains & foot, making my way from Marylebone heading south to Kew, Richmond & Twickenham and then north again to West Hampstead - all in the name of research, of course.

First up (after getting myself a wee bit lost and taking the scenic route to get there) was the oh-so-fabulous Tikki  near the beautiful Kew Gardens.  Tina's little shop is just chock-a-block full of wonderful fabrics and threads and ribbons and . . . well, I'll let the pics speak . . .

Seriously, it's just like heaven for quilters & sewists.

Then just a short trip across Twickenham bridge, in St Margarets, a warm welcome awaited from the lovely Susan & Jodie at Mrs Moon which is brimming with gorgeous yarns . . .

. . . another bit of heaven, this time for the yarny folk . . .

Then I was back on the overground train and heading all the way north to West Hampstead to pop in and meet the delightful Annie at The Village Haberdashery.  The clue is in the name - it's filled with all-things-habby . . . some pretty fabrics, some yummy yarns, and a myriad of books, patterns & notions.  

 I mean, really  -  could you think of a better way to spend a day? 
 I was just dying to while away the time ooh-ing and aah-ing in these fabulous little crafty havens, but my return train beckoned and it was time to head back home.

Thank you Tina, Susan, Jodie & Annie for your friendly welcomes and I just can't wait to visit again with all my fellow crafty peeps in August.

And dear readers - next time you're lucky enough to find yourself in London, be sure to add these lovely shops to your itinerary  :-)

Ooh, and yes of course I made a few wee purchases . . . I just couldn't resist . . . but I'll show you those another time.

Wishing you a happy, sunny weekend.
'til next time,


  1. Gosh that was quite a trip around West London. Look like great shops.

  2. Wow what a heavenly day! I will need to save this info should I be lucky enough to get up to London (it's such a long journey from here unfortunately!) what an array of fabulous goodies you have found. The crafty visitors are really going to appreciate your research! Alison xx

  3. Well if you are forced to spend a day doing research it probably wasn't too bad!!! It looks as though you found some great shops which will be of interest to the people that you will be taking around at the conference, they all look lovely. I hope that your activities and the conference go well. xx

  4. oh you tease I need to see what you bought now!!
    What a lovely day you will have I am tempted to gatecrash!!
    bestest xxx

  5. The lengths a gal will go to for a wee bit of research!! What a wonderful day, what wonderful shops. I'm amazed that you explored all those gorgeous shops in only one day. Sounds like heaven to me. Aren't those wives lucky to have you as a 'tour guide'!!

  6. What a wonderful day you've had Gilly, preparing for the crafty tourists' visit - I'd love to be one of them!
    I recognise that 'London' fabric too! Oh what a pile of exciting goodies in those shops and now I'm looking forward to seeing your few wee purchases! Thanks so much for sharing your adventure and have a great weekend! XoJoy

  7. What lovely shops!! You've certainly had some fun scouting ahead Gilly. I could spend many hours poking through shops such as these. Everyone will be so happy with your choices. Wendy x

  8. Such beautiful pictures!!! Makes me want to visit so badly!! They all look like such lovely shops!! What a perfect day! Happy sweet weekend to you!! xo Holly

  9. What a delightful trip. Thanks for taking us along.

  10. Ohhhhhh, I enjoyed your trip as well, Gilly, and thanks so much for the links! Blessings on you and yours. xx

  11. What a way to spend your day! They all look fabulous. Jo x

  12. I'm glad you were doing research, Gilly, and not just idling your time away in those fab shops! :oD

  13. Wow you got about a bit didn't you! Looks like you had a fab time xxxxx

  14. What a lovely way to spend a day, searching out all things crafty in the sewing, quilting, yarny fields. You ladies are certainly have a fun time when you get together in August.
    Anne xx

  15. Some gorgeousness for sure on this post. How lovely are those shops? I could lose myself in them....and that plum jumper on the dummy is beautiful, I would love to make myself one of those.


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