Sunday 8 September 2013

Stitching Sunday . . .

 I haven't done any stitching like cross-stitch or embroidery for many a year.  I remember learning to embroider as a little girl at primary school - and being very proud of a gingham embroidered tray cloth - and then my friend Sue taught me to cross-stitch, ooh probably at least 20 years ago, and I loved that too.  But I really haven't done much in the way of hand stitching for ages so when Chrissie blogged about organising a little Stitch-a-Long, I jumped at the opportunity to pick up my needle, sort out my cottons and get stitching again.

First up was the little freebie that came with Issue 30 of the Mollie Makes mag . . .

So pretty, isn't it ?  But being 20 years older too, I quickly came to realise that I need my reading glasses and daylight to do these tiny little cross stitches nowadays  !!

And as usual when launching myself into a new project - I just had to have some new books to 
match . . .
 I just can't help myself.
 C'est la vie . . .

All of these books are lovely, and just filled with inspiration and great projects. 

 So this week (besides hoping to finish the pretty cross-stitch rose), I'm working on some little hoops which I should hopefully get finished and be able to show you next week.

 Just simple little designs, nothing too elaborate . . .

I'm linking up with Chrissie Crafts for the very first Stitching Sunday - do pop over here for some great tips and to have a wee peek at some other stitchy projects.  And if you've got a stitching project of your own on the go at the mo, please do link up and share it too : - )

Wishing you a happy & crafty week ahead,
'til next time


  1. i love that caroline zoob book pretty but I think i'm a bit squinty to go back to those tiny cross stitches.....have a lovely week x

  2. BEeautiful makes, I particularly like the A stitch in time hoop.

  3. Ugh! Reading glasses. I've got them all over the house! Lovely little stitcheries. Your quilt from the previous post is gorgeous.

  4. For someone who hasn't stitched for years you sure are doing some beautiful work! I love all of your little hoops, can't wait to see more! And I dare say you have a couple craft books that aren't on my shelf...I might have to pop to the bookshop, I'm just like you, can't help myself! Enjoy your stitching, and thank you for joining in the fun! Chrissie xxx

  5. So totally cute but I hear you about the LIGHT and GLASSES! :D
    When I destashed my art studio this past spring I did keep a few of my cross-stitch projects in progress as well as a couple of my favorite books. I really love making samplers but they take so gosh darn long to finish, which is why I have several, ok, ok, quite a few in various stages of completion *sigh* I am just as bad as you with crafting books and supplies when beginning a new project so you have lots of company!:D
    Hugs and enjoy the rest of the weekend,
    Beth P

  6. Very sweet little stitches. I do not stitch or cross stitch, but I am amazed and in awe of those of you who do. And by the way I now need readers to see my knitting, yuck!

  7. Wow they are all so pretty and inspring, you've been so busy, the Mollie Make kit is so lovely. I was very tempted to buy the 100 thing to do with a embriodery hoop book, when I was looking, is it any good? I look forward to seeing them when they are finished.
    Clare x

  8. They're all very nice. I'm trying to learn more embroidery techniques lately myself. I've cross-stitched for a long time but there's so much more out there that I plan to try. :)

  9. Ooh my ... You've inspired me going to dig out my freebie and do some stitching x

  10. Some gorgeous little stitchings there my dear. I love them all. You are doing really well for someone who hasn't done this for quite some time. I am being very badly disorganised and will have to post mine tomorrow or join in next week. xoxo

  11. I loved that freebie from Mollie Makes, I'm going to put mine on a little, plain drawstring bag using waste Aida. I love the embroidery you've started, very sweet. I think I'm going to buy the Hand Stitched Home, from what I've seen there are some really pretty designs in there. X

  12. Hi Gilly just found your BlogSpot via the lovely Chrissie Crafts and love it. I am new to embroidery and badly want to learn to do it properly. I shall enjoy reading your blog Gilly, hope you don't mind but have put you as one of my favourites on my blog. Have a wonderful week
    Lots of love
    Dorothy (

  13. Lovely! I too really love cross stitch, and like to return to it time and again.


  14. I am popping over now, after I have finished my little stitched owl. Will post tomorrow. Jo x

  15. It's years and years since I did any cross stitch. Maybe I should dig all my supplies out and start again! But, like you, I'd have to wear my spex or I'd never be able to see those wee Xs! :oD

  16. I haven't picked up my cross stitching in years, even with my glasses it's still difficult. I am getting back into embroidery though, so many cute patterns out there. Your stitching is very inspirational! Have fun with your new books.

  17. Hi Gilly - I did enjoy your post so much! Love your beautiful little hoop embroideries - you're doing lovely work, especially for someone who hasn't been into this sort of stitching for quite some time - it's really lovely to see your projects, thank you! I too am into books and just added another couple of stitchy ones to my collection! Oh dear!
    I think we're all going to have lots of fun and feel encouraged and inspired through Chrissie's stitchalong! See you there! Well, almost - apart from the time difference!
    Joy x

  18. I have been trying to resist the hoop book - you are making it very difficult!!

  19. I wonder if stitching is the new crochet ... everyone seems to be doing it, even me!

    Love the little hoop embroideries :)

  20. Dear Gilly
    I love the designs you are working on and am really looking forward to following your progress. I have got the hoop book on my wish list - perhaps for Christmas (and also depending how I get on with embroidery hoops!)
    Best wishes

  21. Oh you have one very pretty little projects on the go there!
    M x

  22. I think you are going to be responsible for a major increase in the number of WIPs in my house, Gilly! I have been hankering after doing some embroidery again. I've so many threads and it seems a lovely way to spend the evenings now the nights are drawing in, but can I really start even more projects?? Your photos shouldn't have bee so adorable -I can feel myself succumbing oh dear!

  23. I hadn't done any cross stitch for years Gilly but really enjoyed doing the little Mollie Makes free gift and will definitely do more in the how your hoops are looking too (and I think I may just have to put The Hand-Stitched Home on my list!)
    Happy New Week!
    Susan x

  24. Beautiful Gilly! I love the roses!! And, you got some great books, too!! Happy stitching! xo Heather

  25. That looks really interesting and its something I have never really gotten into! I have seen a few people mentioning Stitching Sunday, its quite a cool idea :)

    Love your books! That's something I need to get more of!

  26. What fun...I use to cross-stitch all the time too. Those books look adorable...may just have to investigate them...thanks for sharing...hugs.

  27. Beautiful stitching, Gilly! I have just done a little embroidery type stitching, and want to do more some day. Thanks for the link and for posting!
    Gracie :)

  28. I've never gotten past back stitch although I do so enjoy hand stitching and would love to learn more stitches. I just always seem to have so many things I want to knit lol!!

    Happy stitching & thank-you for sharing your beautiful embroideries with us! :-)
    Sarah x

  29. I am such an all fingers and thumbs kinda girl that cross stitch or hand stitching and I never got on. I think it's a little too dainty for me... plus I kept stabbing myself! haha! Yours however, look gorgeous Gilly! Keep up the lovely work :) Hazel x

  30. I love stitching, my daughter tried her little 8 year old hand at it as well this summer, we both like it... Everything looks nicer with a touch of homemade embroidery on it!
    Tammy x

  31. I made my cross stitch from the Mollie Makes into a pincushion to give to my Mum! (pic on my blog). It was a nice little project wasn't it, and nice to see that it has set you off with some more stitching. This is my first visit to your blog, and it is lovely.


Thank for popping by & saying hello!

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