Saturday 21 September 2013

She sews, He puzzles . . .

There hasn't been an awful lot of crafting happening here over the past couple of weeks, but I'm back and feeling ready to create again  : - )

Sooo, here's one I made earlier . . .

Actually I cut it out several weeks ago, but then it lay around just waiting patiently to be made up.

{a creative use of the hanging basket bracket, don't you think ?}

It's the same Colette pattern (free to download from here) that I used before,  made from the end of a roll of pretty Amy Butler fabric that I bought on sale. 

Now, last time I made a Sorbetto top and told you all about it, I also made mention of the Hubby's haul from a recent trip to Japan, and that provoked all sorts of questions.
(Pop over here and scroll down to the end of the post if you need a refresher)

Anyway, so I thought today I'd fill you in a wee bit on the Hubby's hobby . . .

he's a Metagrobologist.

WHAT  ?  I hear you ask.

He collects puzzles. 
 Not jigsaw puzzles.  Not crossword puzzles. 
 Most beautifully made and intricately designed, mechanical puzzles. *

And this, my dear crafty bloggy friends is why he never complains that yours truly has too much
 fabric/yarn/crafty stuff,  and always encourages & supports my creativity and accumulation of all things crafty . . .

; - )

Quite a collection, isn't it ?  And there's another whole cabinet on the opposite wall too.

So, whilst I sew, he puzzles . . .

* * * * *

Happy weekend all,  I hope to be around and catching up with all your lovely blogs too,

*and the Hubby blogs too (have a wee peek here if you're interested)


  1. Oh my goodness I am speechless with the puzzle cupboards! Love your top, the fabric is gorgeous. Julie x

  2. Hello Gilly

    the truth is revealed I see......I certainly SEE why he can't complain about your growing yarn stash or piles of fabric....what a fabulous collection of puzzling things and the latter was not meant as a pun. He has so many there and so many shapes and sizes that they themselves form a puzzle, although I am sure your husband knows which bit goes with which other bit! :-) Very impressive!

    I do like the fabric you have used for your top beautiful shade of blues!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

    1. Thanks Amanda - and yes, believe it or not he's solved all of them over the years and knows what each are named too! And my little cabinet of craft stash pales in comparison ... I'll have to work towards remedying that! ;-)

  3. Your top is lovely. I am a beginner also and I am interested in the pattern. Thanks for sharing the link.

    1. Thanks Joan :-) Just a point to note if you make this top, the pattern is quite short so if you are tall (like I am!), measure the length before you cut the fabric and adjust it if necessary. I cut my first one too short and had to add a peplum!
      Have fun - it's an easy pattern & just perfect for us beginners.

  4. Wow, what a collection he has. Guess he has no romo to complain over your collection. ha ha ha.

    1. Tee Hee - indeed, no room whatsoever ;-)

  5. Oh my! what a collection. I love your top so simple but elegant. Glad you are feeling better. Jo x

  6. I know when we met up you said he loved puzzles. But WOW that's an awful lot of puzzles. xxx

    1. Sorry I neatly forgot to say LOVE the new top. The fabric is beautiful. xxx

    2. Thanks Mel - yes my stash pales in comparison, shall have to work on that ;-)

  7. So glad to see you are back. Love the top you made, great fabric it really looks lovely. Good for your husband having a hobby that he loves. It keeps him busy and entertained.

    1. Thanks Meredith , And it does indeed keep him amused, although not out of mischief ;-)

  8. What a beautiful top, Gilly! Glad you are back and I hope you are well. That is one fascinating collection hubby has! Can he remember how they all work? And are you ever tempted to play with them? Some are quite beautiful, art-like, actually! Chrissie x

    1. Thanks Chrissie - he has solved them all at some point or another, with the exceptional of a couple. I love the wooden ones, some really are works of art. I have 3 that I've been given as gifts, and I've played with some of the simpler ones, but mostly I'm too impatient to work out the solutions - I'd rather craft :-)

  9. You've made another lovely top Gilly, and matched the pattern of the fabric so well! Top marks! Does your hubby know how many puzzles he has? That is a fascinating hobby and men need hobbies too, so well done to him. And the 'cherry on the cake' of it is you can be left to your own devices; wow Gilly - free rein - go for it!
    A lovely Sunday to you,
    Joy xo

    1. Thanks Joy, but I have to confess that the pattern matching was sheer coincidence ;-) I am chuffed with the end result though.
      Hubby has a spreadsheet of his puzzle catalogue somewhere but it's not up-to-date so not sure he knows right now just exactly how many he has.
      Happy Sunday to you too!

  10. My gosh Gilly that's an amazing collection! What a beautiful thing to collect! And I think you're quite lucky to have someone that encourages your hobbies!! :)
    I seem to have missed something without meaning to, have you been ill? I hope you're well Gilly.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, I am indeed a lucky girl :-) Sadly my lovely cuz passed away so I've been away in Scotland with my family for a few days.

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  13. Love it all! I've never heard of anyone collecting puzzles and I think it's so cool! The top came out gorgeous!

  14. Wow! what a collection. Much more interesting than my hubby's stash of wood for turning. I love the cabinets, they would look great filled with fabric :) xx

  15. Wow! what a collection. Much more interesting than my hubby's stash of wood for turning. I love the cabinets, they would look great filled with fabric :) xx

  16. A really interesting post. First I love your top and the fabric is wonderful!! You have one interesting fella there skattie, wow and what a collection, I'm suitably impressed and yes I reckon there's never going to be a moment where he grumbles about you having too much fabric is there now. His blog looks great abs the chicken teriyaki sounds delish!! I'm tickled pink!! Xoxo

  17. That's some collection of puzzles your hubby has amassed, Gilly. Wow! Your top looks wonderful. :o)

  18. WOWZERS!!!!!!That's one amazing collection......i love the fact that your husband has his own stash.....looks fascinating! I love to see other people's collections.......thank you for sharing x

  19. Wow! What a collection your husband has. The whole time I looking at that huge cabinet, I am thinking she could fill that thing up with so much fabric(giggle)!!
    Hugs, Shari

  20. Good grief, what an amazing collection! Clever chap, your hubby - encouraging you to excesses with your fabric stash no doubt so he can get away with more puzzles!
    Love the new top, so pretty and stylish.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend Gilly!
    Gill xx

  21. What a collection and super organised ... love your new top, the fabric is very pretty ... I love Amy Butler ... Bee xx

  22. Love your top! And, wow what an awesome collection!! So fun!! Happy Fall! xo Heather

  23. Such a pretty top you have made, your husband dose have quite a collection.

  24. He who dies with the most toys wins...

  25. WOW that's some collection, Gilly! ~ My man collects training shoes and runs and runs ......LOVE your pretty new blouse....the material so very lovely ...Wishing you some lovely warm autumnal days to wear it with pride...Hugs and kisses Maria x

  26. Your top turn out beautifully. That is too funny. My husband has an expensive hobby too and is the same way.

  27. Your top turn out beautifully. That is too funny. My husband has an expensive hobby too and is the same way.

  28. Gorgeous top!
    I have never seen so many puzzles, hubby must be very keen.Still I daresay it keeps him out of mischief!!

  29. Love your top Gilly!! A very good use to the plant hanger indeed! :) What a collection! And how fun! Happy new week! I'll have to pop over to visit his blog too! xo Holly

  30. Oh my word, those puzzles! So many of Your top is gorgeous, that Amy Butler fabric is so nice. x

  31. Wow that's a lot of puzzles! He's got quite a collection! Very good that you're both allowed a large stash ;-)
    Your top looks great! Happy sewing & happy weekend dear Gilly,
    Sarah xx

  32. My goodness me, what a collection of puzzles.....I hope e does the dusting when necessary!!
    Love the top, I'm popping over to grab the pattern now.
    Suzy xx


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