Friday 2 May 2014

Walking the walk . . .

tsk, tsk . . . more than a week since my last post . . .   I know I've used this excuse many times before, but it really HAS been busy around these parts lately.  Can you believe we're into May already ?

Anyway, so first up - thanks for always popping by and leaving such lovely comments even when I seem to be AWOL, I do so much enjoy them - and a BIG welcome to my newest followers too, I hope you have fun following along with my crafty adventures.

A wee while ago I mentioned (here) that on Saturday, 10th May I'm participating in the London Moon Walk - and I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has sponsored me. It is sooo much appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you . . .

 So as much as possible, I've been getting out and walking, in preparation for the big night.  Some days the weather has been better than others, but mostly it's been fun and the two most-adorable-pups-in-the-world have certainly enjoyed being a part of my training too.

This morning's walk saw us meandering through the beautiful Warwickshire countryside on part of the Centenary Way.

 Even the exuberant pups have to slow down and catch their breath sometimes . . .

 But it's not been all-walking-and-no-crafting, because yesterday,  our team got together to plan our trip and decorate our bras . . .

The whole ethos behind The Moon Walk is to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer, so everyone walks in their bra - even the men.  

And so we spent the whole morning decorating . . .

There was sewing and glueing, sequins and feathers, flowers and buttons and pom-poms . . . and lots of nattering and laughter, and of course the inevitable and essential, yummy cake  : - )

And the (almost) end result:

So preparations are well under way for the big night  -  wish us luck and pray for good weather.

* * * * *

And on a completely different tangent - do you know it's "Love Your Yarn Shop Day" tomorrow here in the UK ?

I'm popping along to my lovely local Sew Me Something for a wee bit of knit & natter. . . or maybe crochet & chat . . . in the morning.  Should be fun . . .

 oh, and apparently there will be cake  : - )

Happy weekend all,
'til next time


  1. Looks like such a lovely place to walk. The bra decorating looks like fun and I can just imagine all the giggles and laughter. I never heard of "Love Your Yarn Shop Day". I wish we had a local yarn shop to love. Sadly, they're all gone. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hmmm, Gilly dear, you seem to have forgotten to post you with your bra...or are you just waiting for the big reveal at the race? ;-) Cxxx

  3. Best of luck on the walk, you are going to have a wonderful time and raise awareness all at the same time.
    Hugs to you and good luck,

  4. So, we now know your team name, The Pink Feather Boas! The bras all look really great, and how lovely that you got together to do the decorating! Far more fun. Hope that you keep enjoying the practice walking and that the big event goes really well for you. xx

  5. Good luck with the moonwalk, Gilly. Your bras will definitely be eye-catching! :oD

  6. Love the bras Gilly, would love one of my very own! Good luck with the sponsored walk......such a great cause!
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  7. Oooh...those bras are such fun!! Won't you all look a treat walking along in those articles of fashion!! Lovely places that you find, to amble along with your doggity dogs!!

  8. Amazing bras - what a load of fun and all for a good cause - wishing you and your team all the very best, and good weather too! Go Girls Go!!! Joy xo

  9. Love the bras and such fun. I've thought about doing something similar.
    Jacqui xx

  10. Sounds like you have been very busy!! Totally love that you all are designing colourful funky bras for the walk! Good luck!

  11. love those bras! My heart caught when I saw the pups on the walk. It isn't fair that some chocolate labs look so much alike.......
    wishing you a wonderful weekend

  12. Hope the walk goes well, and that the weather is kind to you :-)

  13. Lovely Gilly what a fabulous post, I loved it and wish you every good luck for the 10th May, I hope you raise thousands for a such a worthy cause. Your bras are just stunning and I think you could all go into business selling those, they are out of this world. I would love to go to one of your workshops Gilly, what fun! The views of the wonderful countryside were fabulous and makes you feel that maybe we have turned the corner on winter and are on our way. Gilly it is always such a pleasure to call over to see you, have a fabulous weekend. Sending you big hugs and loves as always

  14. Hello Gilly
    "Oh to be in England....
    the countryside on your walks looks beautiful!
    Well done on your walk to raise funds for Breast Cancer - such a great cause and important to all women.
    The bras look fantastic - do show us photos from the day.
    I'll pray that the weather is kind for you Gilly!

  15. Good luck to you and your team Gilly! Hope you all have a wonderful day and the sun shines for you too...your bras look fab!....x
    Susan x


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