Sunday, 28 April 2013

What a lovely way to spend a morning . . .

Yesterday my friend Heather & I took ourselves off to the Grand Opening of Guthrie & Ghani - which for those peeps who're not in the know, is the new haberdashery shop owned by Lauren of The Great British Sewing Bee fame.

the store front

I'd popped the address into the SatNav to ensure we found our way, but as we neared the shop, the long queue of happy, excited people lead us straight to the {pretty pink} front door.  So we parked up and joined the nattering crowd . . . and then the heavens opened and a hail storm arrived, but up went the brollies {this is England in Spring . . no one actually leaves home without a brolly, do they ?} so neither our selves nor spirits were dampened.

Despite the rain, Lauren's dad - who, by the way was just lovely - was doing some PR, wandering up & down the queue, chatting away, making us laugh (with an infectious Scottish sense of humour), and ensuring that everyone {and I quote}: "has a credit card and can remember your pin code" {unquote}

Lauren's dad

Then Stuart - who, by the way, is just equally as lovely - popped outside and joined in the banter, happily chatting away with us and posing for pics . . .

Stuart & Heather
{yes, I was on his other side, but was for some reason pulling a strange face, so I used my Ed's discretion and cropped me out ! }

. . . until we reached the front of the queue and it was our turn to head inside.

There was cake . . .
. . . there was Lauren & Tilly . . .
. . . there were pretty displays . . .

. . .  and a beautiful chandelier hanging from some impressive beams . . .

. . . and there was Julie & the winner of GBSB, Ann.

The lovely Julie blogs over at Mack & Mabel {do pop over and visit}, and on discovering we were both attending the Opening, plans were made to rendezvous.  It was great to finally meet and spend a wee while chatting, and plans are afoot for another get-together soon.

All in all, a perfectly lovely way to spend a morning . . .

I hope you've had a lovely weekend too ?  My Friday was really fab as well, so I'll be back soon to tell you all about it.

And last, but most certainly not least - a BIG welcome to my newest followers.
 Thanks for popping in, and WOW, 200-up
 : -)

  I'm humbled, and happy and thankful to everyone who visits my little blog.
Methinks this calls for another Giveaway very soon so watch this space . . .


ps. oh and yes, of course I bought some pretty cotton yarn and a pattern . . . and I'm planning to go back again very soon ;-)


  1. I've just read a bit more about the opening over on Tilly's blog - sounds like a roaring success. Must pop over there soon. Look forward to seeing what you make x Jane

    1. Definitely do make a plan to pop in there, but let me know when you do and we could organize a wee Midlands get-together if you like?

  2. Ooh how fabulous Gilly! Think I'd have been a bit starstruck ....

    Glad you had a great time, and cake as wel!

    Looking forward to your giveaway and congratulations on your followers

    Love Claire xxx

    1. Thanks Claire. I'm sure you would have loved it and all the stars were so down-to-earth, friendly, chatty and just lovely.
      And the little cupcakes & homemade lemonade was indeed delicious too :-)
      Have a great week,

  3. How exciting! I'd read Lauren's blog post and Tilly's and the excitement of the new shop is there for all to read. I must go and see what your friend Julie has to say about it. Can you tell that I'm just the teeniest bit jealous that I live so far away from Birmingham?

    1. There was just a whole aura of excitement going on! I guess that's what you get when you add a whole bunch of crafty peeps into a fabulous habi shop :-)
      Don't be jealous, just come and visit!
      Happy Monday, & hope you're feeling better?

  4. Oh how cool ... I would have been a little starstruck I think ... so lovely to hear you had a fab time ... Bee xx

    1. It was so much fun, Bee - and the stars were just so lovely & friendly, and seemed just as happy to be there as we were :-)
      Happy Monday,

  5. It sounds like you had a fab time wish I lived nearer - maybe I should get some friends together and have a special girlie day out.
    Looking forward to hear more about your sewing day.
    Sue x

    1. A girlie day out sounds like a fab idea! Just do it! :-)

  6. Hi GillY, sounds like you all had a ball, shopping and all! What a great place and the cake looks really yummy!
    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Diana - it was indeed fun! Wishing you a fab week too,

  7. What great fun! I tried to watch the Bee on line but was not able to. So glad you had a grand time at the opening, Gilly, and am glad you shared it with us. Thanks for posting!

    1. Oh that's a pity you didn't get to see it online. Perhaps it'll come out on DVD sometime.
      Have a lovely week in your beautiful corner of the world,

  8. It looks like a lovely shop and a lovely morning out too! x

    1. Definitely one of my favourite weekend mornings :-)
      Hope you're feeling better?

  9. Replies
    1. Indeed it was :-)
      Have a lovely week,

  10. It sounds like you had lots of fun, I am so envious that you got to meet all those lovely people!

  11. I'm so jealous I missed out on opening day, then again we were away at the seaside. It all looks wonderful I'm only a few miles from Moseley so can't wait to pop over and have a look at this wonderful new shop .... Sarah x

  12. How lovely!! Glad you had a wonderful time!! And the cake looks lovely too! Congrats on your new followers, how exciting for another one of your sweet giveaways! Happy Monday! xo Holly

  13. Oh, how wonderful to visit the shop and meet the stars of the show! I was amazed at how many friends' husbands enjoyed watching it!

  14. You move in very fun circles! I don't believe we have the sewing bee show here in Canada, but almost all the blogs I follow seem thrilled with it. The shop looks amazing, and it was great that you got to meet the sewing contestants. Sounds like a very exciting day. Wendy ;)

  15. Sounds like you had a great time. Congratulations on all your new followers.

  16. How fantastic to visit Lauren's shop, it looks beautiful. I enjoyed the GBSB so much! Glad you had a great time.
    M x

  17. Looks like a fun time was had by all!

    The power of the media never ceases to amaze me ... I wonder if the contestants on the sewing bee got any guidance on coping with all the attention. But every success to them if their appearances on our televisions have secured their future careers.


Thank for popping by & saying hello!

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