Monday 20 August 2012

Home, sweet home . . .

I do so LOVE travelling, but I do so love coming home again too . . . 
(despite the huge pile of laundry that ensues !)

So, having spent the morning in a jet-lagged haze of household chores, I'm taking a wee tea break and flipping through our holiday pics . . .

This was my first proper visit to Washington DC (a few years ago I spent a brief sojourn at Dulles Airport en route to Detroit - but that's a whole other post !).  Hubby has been before, but was quite happy to do all the touristy things with me again.  It was hot and sticky weather, but after the mostly rainy summer we've had in the UK, we weren't complaining. 

In between our wanderings, the Hubby spent three days holed up with his fellow delegates at the IPP Conference (don't feel sorry for him though - they had a whole lot of fun) and I was delighted to meet and make some lovely new friends amongst the other wives. And even more delighted when we realised we shared a love of all things crafty :-)

So together, we shopped and nattered and enjoyed a lovely time exploring new places.  The old town in Alexandria, Virginia was possibly my favourite place... quaint and quirky... and THE most loveliest of yarn shops.
Right, the washing machine has just finished another load and my mug is empty, so it's time to get back to the grindstone for now.

Ah, it's good to be home . . .



  1. Sounds like a wonderful fun trip,and great to meet some fellow crafters (is that a word?)
    At least you have some lovely warm weather to dry all that washing! :0)

    1. Tee Hee - I'm sure crafters must be an accepted word, and if it wasn't before, it is now. There - we have thus declared it so ;-)

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time Gilly!! So fun to meet new friends who are crafty!! Love the sign! Happy Monday! xo Heather

    1. Thanks, it was fun, and couldn't resist a pic of the sign. I think it should be included in the "Warning Signs" section of the Highway Code !


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