Well, it's been a while . . . That was a much longer than anticipated, and actually quite unintentional break. It's not that I've not been making or doing, there's really been quite a bit of that going on, but just that my bloggy mojo seemed to disappear for a while. It seems today however, that it's back - so if you're still out there, let's catch up shall we?
Picking up where I left off . . . way back in March, the highlight was very definitely a short but oh-so-sweet daytrip up north to bonnie Scotland and the delightful Edinburgh Yarn Festival. "That's a long way to go for a day trip", I hear you say. Well, yes I suppose it might be. But with the wonders of modern aviation, it's really just a one hour flight each way. So here's how the story goes:
Our lovely friends, Saul & Paulette were coming over from Boston, USA to visit for a few days. Saul, like the Hubby is a metagrobologist and ardent collector of mechanical puzzles so together they had already organised a puzzle party to coincide with Saul's visit. Paulette & I, let's be honest here, would prefer to knit ; - )
So when Paulette emailed to suggest that perhaps whilst the puzzlers were puzzling, we fibre addicts should consider an outing to the yarn festival, I didn't hesitate. Not even for a moment.
A few emails back & forth across the pond ensued and within mere minutes we had booked our flights and our tickets for the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. Woohooooo . . .
And a few days later, with shopping lists made, comfy footwear donned and travel knitting projects packed for the flight, we got up early in the morning and excitedly flew north to beautiful sunny Edinburgh.
Lovely Marina (she of RedSetter fame) joined us and oh what a fabulous time we had, ooh-ing and aah-ing over all the gorgeous yarns and pretty patterns and colourful stalls. I was so busy trying to take it all in, and make sure we didn't miss anything out, that I hardly took any pics.
All too soon it was time to head for the airport and catch our flight back to Brum, but we returned with a few new additions to each of our yarn stashes and heads brimming with new ideas and future yarny projects.
And most especially, memories of a truly fun day shared.
Oh, and we're already planning our next fibre festival outing . . . across the pond next year . . . probably be more than a day trip though ; - )
'til next time,