Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Mostly I've been playing hooky . . .

. . . raiding my stash, and buying some new bits & bobs here and there, to gather enough yarn and pretty colours to join in with Cherry Heart's Spice of Life CAL.   

Are you crocheting along too?  
Would you believe there are over 3000 lovely hooky peeps from around the world taking part - and it's so much fun seeing everyone's progress and different choice of colours. 

It's a beautiful sunny, autumnal week here but the definite nip in the air at night provides the perfect excuse (as if I really need one) to curl up on the sofa and crochet.

Still on the topic of all-things hooky - my lovely friend Lazy Daisy Jones is hosting a little crochet hook up game on Instagram for October.  Do come and play . . . it'll be so fun.

So if you're a fellow hooky-lovin' 'grammer, pop in @lazydaisyjones for more details, and whilst you're there, come see me too @gilly_makes and say hello. 

It starts tomorrow, 1st October and each day LDJ will post a little prompt, so join in and let's see what all our other crochet addicts enthusiasts are up to.  See you there  : - )

'til next time,

Linking up today with Ginny over at Small Things, for the weekly Yarn Along - do pop by and enjoy the yarny feast.


  1. I'm crocheting along too! I'm going to get started on this week's new rules this afternoon I love the colours you chose - so many gorgeous purply shades! Mine is a bit more rugged and masculine - perfect for my 10 year old son!

  2. Wowww beautiful what you make great Ria x

  3. Beautiful colour combination, looking forward to watching the progress of so many of you and the mazing colours chosen.

  4. I spotted this blanket on Ravelry and I really love it! I need to get hooking on my Attic24 Cosy blanket first so I will follow yours with interest. I really like the colours you chose - so if you decide you don't like it, I'll happily rehome it for you!!!! ;)

  5. The colours look amazing together. The blankie is going to look fab! :o)

  6. Your blanket looks stunning - it's shame I just can't crochet!

  7. It's such a beautiful blanket, I can see why it's proving so popular! I really like the colour way you've chosen, very pretty. x

  8. Such great color combos. I just love it.

  9. Sadly, crochet and I just don't get along, so I shall just have to enjoy your crochet instead of joining in!!

  10. Hope you enjoy your blanket making, the colours look gorgeous!! xx

  11. The colours that you've chosen are so perfect - lovely!

  12. Your blanket is looking lovely so far. I was tempted to join in but i know i don't have time at the minute

  13. Enjoy your blanket and that fun game. I am not joining is as I have too many knitting projects on my list to make. Can't wait to follow along with your blanket fun.

  14. I love the colours you've chosen. I'm crocheting along too but I'm using Sandra's yarn choice and colour choice. I'd have never gone with the colour choice myself but I'm loving them and the way they're working together, I must write a blog post about it soon.

  15. Love the selection of yarns, great colors.

  16. Gilly thanks for mentioning me! I'm having so much fun seeing everyone's pics and have found some new crochet peeps to follow. Not to mention all the projects...I have added to my list!
    Lots of love ash xxxx


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