Thursday, 27 June 2013

Yummy stripy Yarn Along . . .

You know when sometimes a week just seems to run away with you, and before you know it, it's Thursday already and you still haven't put the new plants you bought on Monday in the ground and you really, really wanted to do that whilst the sun was still out and before the rain that is forecast for Thursday arrives ? Oh and to top it all, it's hay fever season and it seems particularly and annoyingly bad this week ? Etc etc etc . . .

Right, that's the whiney bit over - it's really not a bad week at all, just a busy one : -)

 So, just a quick post - joining up with Ginny's weekly Yarn Along - to show you my finished crocheted cotton Stripy Ripple blankie.

 Once again, the pattern is from Cute & Easy Crochet by Nicky Trench. {I do LOVE this book}
 It's the first time I've attempted the ripple and it really was quite simple once I got the hang of it, and I sewed in the ends as I went along and completed each stripe which made it less of a schlepp once the blanket was done.  And the edging was fun and easy to do too.

As for the reading - the latest Making mags are tempting me on my bedside table, just waiting for a wee moment to be read.
Roll on, the weekend : - )


  1. Such a pretty blanket, I love the edging. My hay fever is bad too, we could do with some rain to wash the pollen away!

  2. I really like the colours in your new blanket, shame about your hay fever.

  3. A spoonful of local honey a day is the best remedy I know. Makes you immune to the hay fever after a while.

  4. Lovely blanket, great colours. I'm currently making a ripple but have no idea what to do as edging (but I'm not there yet!).
    Sweet pictures of your dogs on your side bar.

  5. Your ripple blanket is beautiful! I love the soft colours, really lovely. I love that Nicki Trench book too.
    M x

  6. Really pretty, I haven't crocheted in ages.

  7. Oh Gilly, the stripes blanket is gorgeous! Lovely, summery, ice-cream colours ...

    Love Claire xx

  8. Beautiful colours for your pretty ripple blanket.
    Enjoy your mags.

  9. Your blanket so stunning I love Nikki's book and her Ripple cushion is on my future makes list. Such lovely seaside colours. As for the hayfever I'm suffering to seem to be much worse this year :(
    Clare x

  10. Oh beautiful blanket ... can't wait to see it at the weekend!! x

  11. Love your ripple blanket! And very pretty colors you used too! I'm still working on my moss stitch one, it's starting to come along :) Your magazines look so cheery and inspiring! :) Happy Thursday! xo Holly

  12. Your finished blankie is awesome! You do such beautiful work and I just love your colors. Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

    Cheery wave from

  13. I'm loving that crocheted ripple blanket. A lot.

  14. I understand how the week can fly by before you know it. Your blanket is adorable. I just love all the colors and the edging is perfect.

  15. Oh the stripes on your blanket look lovely! I know how it feels for a week to disappear and you haven't really done anything.

  16. roll on the weekend indeed! I can't wait for it... might pick me up some magazines to have waiting there on the bedside too :) Hazel

  17. Never mind where the week has gone ..... I don't know where this month has gone!! Love the blankie!!

  18. Love the colours you've used.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  19. Pretty ripple blanket, great colors and looks so cozy!

  20. Beautiful blanket! I knitted a garter stitch one recently with several different colours of cotton.
    But sewing the threads in was a real trial for me but mostly because many of the cottons I used, were several strands wound together and I found stray strands popping out here and there. So annoying lol

  21. The blankie is beeyootiful, Gilly. Great job! :o)

  22. Lovely blanket, love the fancy edge!
    Enjoy your magazines Gilly!
    Gill xx

  23. Beautiful blanket, just so pretty :) xx

  24. Your blanket is beautiful Gilly - you've done a lovely job on it - and such lovely soft colours too!
    I hope you find time to get into your mags soon - they look very enticing!
    Joy x

  25. Hi Gilly, know how you feel, time flies, before you know it the week is over.
    Beautiful blanket, love your color choices!
    Hope your week gets better!

  26. Such a pretty blanket am loving the colours. I have no idea where this week went I have been so busy making have had no time to blog. Never mind it's Saturday tomorrow and I am so looking forward to meeting you and the other bloggy ladies ~ Sarah x

  27. This a an especially beautiful blanket! I have this book but most of the patterns are too challenging for me. In the meantime.....I keep crocheting granny squares.

  28. Your ripple blanket is most beautiful and I really like your edging.. Lovely indeed. Hugs Judy

  29. Hi Gilly, it sure sounds like you've had a busy week! Whew! :D I love, love, love that blankie! :D I've been wanting to make a ripple with some of the yummy modern colors that are popular right now with lots of white stripes mixed in for a softer look... but haven't gotten around to buying the yarn yet. Plus, I am currently having a battle with myself as to whether I want to use acrylic or a wool blend or even cotton... so many choices... what's a girl to do?! LOL!

    I'm not familiar with that yummy looking magazine but it looks like it is filled with lots of eye candy and inspiration!

    Enjoy your reading weekend my dear friend,

  30. What a pretty blanket ... love the soft summery colours! I hope you got the plants in the ground now and you can spend the rest of the weekend admiring them ;) Wendy

  31. Your blanket is gorgeous Gilly! I really wish I could learn to crochet :-)

    Sarah xx

  32. Hi Gilly!!
    If I were there in England already I would for sure help you out in the garden!
    The blanket is gorgeous!
    Tammy xx

  33. fun the cotton candy colors! I wished I'd known about the yarn along. I always seem to miss out on those!


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